You can now find me on Instagram (@styleeast)...pop along for the usual mix of street style, inspiration and photographic evidence of my support for the economy through shopping
east london street style
In good Company
So, it's no longer a secret that I'm a blogger! All thanks to Company magazine, and their kind invitation (via Lexxi) to take part in a photoshoot, wearing the spring trends, along with many of my favourite bloggers. It was a hard offer to refuse, not just because it's nice for my Mum to buy a magazine with her daughter in, but because of Company's consistent support for bloggers and their ever-growing place in the fashion industry. It was a privilege to be invited to partake, with my blog being the tiniest of cogs in the biggest of wheels. And it was also an awful lot of fun (fashion cupboard! hello!). Here are the results, worn on the double page by Chantal; Alice; Camille; Frances and Claudia; and Frances; and alongside me by Kavita and Lucy. Grab a copy now, chums.
Ps, I hate having my picture taken
Blogger friends,
what I wore
East London Street Style - Rosie
Blogger friends,
east London,
It's that time again...
That's right, fashion month is upon us. And it looks like the snow is blowing in from New York, along with all the editors, models and streetstyle stars. Speaking of which, you all know Rosalind by now, right? Seeing her (and her outfits) is just one of the many highlights of London Fashion Week for me. See you all on the cobbles (wear your spindly heels at your peril....)
Blogger friends,
London Fashion Week,
LFW Street Style - Black Watch
I don't know what's reignited my love of tartan (maybe it's just a fashion cycle us Scots have evolved to possess), but I do know that all I want to wear this winter is black watch tartan. Yes, fact fans, this here is Scottish black watch regimental tartan - non-Scots educate yourselves here if you like (we get taught this stuff at school you know). One of my fashion week favourites, Crystal, showcases it here to perfection and I've been hunting for some dungarees like hers ever since I took these snaps at fashion week - so stay away from ebay please, readers, the next pair of these babies that come up are MINE.
East London street style, dude
It takes a pretty cool dude to rock a women's make-up pouch as a bag, but luckily this guy is it. From the perfectly coiffed hair, via the tats and herringbone trousers, to the spats on his feet, ain't no doubt he got it goin' on (...insert accent).
Real-life babes (I nicked that expression from a friend, good isn't it) in three very different looks at the recent Blitz Vintage press party. Hubba hubba. Hey, if we all shop there maybe we can look this hot too...
LFW Street Style - Fabulous Baker Girl
More than a touch of Michelle Pfeiffer circa 1989, no? And the subject of much shoe/trouser/jacket/face envy outside the Unique show.
LFW Street Style - Heavy metal
A giant clutch, some shiny shoes, a studded hat or jacket for the boys, and THE BALENCIAGA BUCKLE BOOTS I WOULD SELL MY SOUL FOR - little metal-y bits were everywhere this Fashion Week. Hey, if it's good enough for Anna*...
*gratuitous celeb shot. Wait til you see the others...Alexa! Daisy! Sam Cam! Leigh! La Wintour herself!
LFW Street Style - How do you carry yours?
Whether an owl, some bad ass Chanel, a Kane jelly clutch*, or a rabid dog, we all need somewhere to keep our crap at Fashion Week, right?
*moments after this photo was taken, I grabbed the goods, made a hasty exit and am now on the run from the law.
LFW Street Style - Portraits

1. Rainbow hair at Topshop Unique; 2. Hannah; 3. Hat and black layers; 4. Rosalind; 5. David and me in his glasses; 6. Marie, right before The Sartorialist nabbed her off me; 7. Nadia
Blogger friends,
London Fashion Week,
LFW Street Style - Fashion Week Favourite
You might recognise Elizabeth from my shots last season, but guess what, I didn't - AGAIN. Not straight away (it was the blue hair that fooled me dammit). I've set her a challenge to turn up tomorrow in something unexpected, to try to fool me once again, so watch this space. In the meantime, feast your envious eyes on that Versace Jeans football top, and Elizabeth's pre-grunge-part-glam look, it's a new genre I've invented, just for her.
Yard Style
Milkshake brings all the boys to the yard. Except in this case it's not milkshake, it's bargains, and it's not boys, it's girls. The yard in question was that of uber-blogger, and our gracious host for the day, Susie Bubble, who was joined by a dozen of your other favourite bloggers to host the hopefully now annual Bloggers' Yard Sale. I was stall-sharing with the lovely Kristabel and was pleased to see lots of happy shoppers go home with my wares, although I'm still crying (sob) for some of the things I decided to sell on a whim...Oh Rockabilly Checked Dress, wherefor art thou? In all the excitement I forgot to take a snap of Susie - duh - or the Balenciaga (wtf!) and Christopher Kane (double wtf!) delights she was selling, but I hope you enjoy these other stylish lovelies, including - oh yeah - the in-house ukelele lady. That's how we roll, yard style.
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